I'm in the Singapore ChanGi Airport now!
I arrived Singapore about an hour ago
This airport is really big!!
and i'm using the free internet here to tell u guys i'm fine now!!
I will take next flight to Manchester at 23:55
so I still have lots time to hang here

In fact...I'm pretty excited about the next year!
I hope I can learn a lot in Manchester
And I will do my best to get my master degree!
Many thanks to my family and friends!
Though I'm happy to study abroad...
I still feel sad to leave my family...
But I believe they will take good care of themselves.
Especially thanks to my Dad and Mom...
I'm a lucky girl becuz I have both of u!
Love u with all my heart!!!
My friends~~
I'm really happy to have meals with u guys!
Let's keep in touch!!
Also I wanna thank Uncle Chen and Uncle Luke!
U guys really help a lot!
Take care of urselves in TW!
see u guys next year!
stop here and take care my friends!!
love ya~~
Don't worry about me!
I will take good care of myself!!

    BaoMom 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()