We strated to go to Kindergarten for learning from this week.
I got to say~~~~
Even though sometimes I don't know why they are so high!
But I'm happy becuz they are happy!
Sometimes I don't know how could teacher Vivian being so angry.
She shouted so loudly!
If I'm those kids, I won't want to go to school anymore.
I know teacher Vivian loves those kids very much.
But she just can't stop yelling at them.
I feel a little sad about it.
Maybe she doesn't know how to stop them doing something they shouldn't do.
I hope Vivian will being nicer to them.
At least, she will not yell at them...

I'm in K3A.
Kids in K3A are all very good in English.
They speak English anytime, even in Chinese class...
I'm worried about it.
After all, those kids are in Taiwan now.
They will go to elementary school after they graduate from Columbia.
They will probably won't get used to traditional elemantary school.
Some of them can even not speak well Chinese.
Maybe they will hate their parents becuz they sent them to Columbia.
Even though I like western culture,
I still think Chinese culture is very greatful and important.
Being a chinese, we should be proud of what we got.
I hope the kindengarten will change the way they teach students,
or they might be regret someday...

I love those kids!!
Thet didn't talk much to me until today.
They start to be familier with me.
David came to hold my hand.
Gene smiled at me.
Burberry told me he drank a lot of water.
Joy listened to my words and drank lots of water.
Tania likes to hug me.
Alvin always call me "teacher Sandy"
Judy, Annie and Brian asked me to eat with them.
Most of them started to like me!!
Joy even said she wants me to stay with them~
I feel so happy about it.
But sometimes I just can't take what they've done.
They are like angel.
They are also devil.
Even though, I still love them so much!!

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