I went to Manhattan with my classmates this day
(Peggy. Yu-Jie. Asa. Makoto. Joo-Ni)
This is my first time there...I was so excited
Manhattan is so "NEW YORK"
buildings r all very high and there r many people on street
we ate Japanese food for lunch......it was delicious!
after lunch. we went shopping.
I bought a bag from Zara(I never heard that brand before)
in fact...there r a lot of brand I never heard
maybe becuz Taiwan is too small to enter those brand...i don't know
we talked a lot in a coffe shop
it was fun!!!
by the way...
subway in NY is really dirty and dark
I prefer Taipei MRT station...
Anyway~~~i like to go out with my classmates!!!

Peggy. Asa. Makoto. Tai-mao and I went to Mahatten again!
I wanted to go to a island but we passed the station we had to get off
so we went to Empire State Building!
we went there but we didn't go to the top floor
becuz it rained again...>.<
so we went to Macy's and then SOHO!
I love Soho!
there r many special things!!!
but we didn't went in those stores...i don't know why...
that's ok...i still have 2 months...
for lunch, we went to a bar and drink
the sandwich I ordered was really delicious
i love it!!!
we chat a lot!!
i think Japanese r really strong!!
Asa and Makoto drank more than 4 cups and bottles!!
but they still awake!!
tai-mao only drank two cups...he wanted to sleep though!!
it was very fun!!!
i love it!!!
i wish we could go out more!!!

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